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Annual Sports Meet at Expert PU College, Valachil 2023

  • Wednesday, November 01st, 2023

Annual Sports Meet at Expert PU College, Valachil 2023

Mangalore - Oct 23: The Annual Sports Meet of Expert PU College, Valachil, was held at the Time Square Ground with great exhilaration on Monday 30th October here.

Dr. Chandragupta, IPS, Inspector General of Police, Western Range, inaugurated the programme by lighting the ceremonial Urn.

Addressing the gathering, Dr. Chandragupta observed that sports play a vital role in the all-round development of every child. "Sports is not only a part of education, but also inculcates discipline, confidence, excellence and it improves their health", he said.

Ankush N Nayak, Director, Information Technology, Expert PU College, Valachil, addressed the gathering and said, "Competitive spirit will help students in their academics and try to enjoy every moment of the Sports Day".

The students in four houses viz, Curie, Darwin, Einstein and Ramanujan of Expert PU College, Valachil, were in the seventh heaven to make the march-past a spectacular display and it became the centre of attraction.

Dr. N K Vijayan, Principal, Expert PU College, Valachil, welcomed the Chief Guest with a bouquet. Ankush N Nayak, Director, Information Technology, honoured the Chief Guest with a memento. Architect, Deepika A Nayak, Raghavendra Shenoy, Vice-Principal (Admin), Subramanya Udupa, Vice Principal (Academics), Nitin Manohar, Programme director were present on the occasion.


Abhinand Biju, President, Student Parliament administered the oath to the athletes. Suravi Sudhir, General Secretary of the Student Parliament welcomed the dignitaries. Shri Krishna, Joint Secretary of the Student Parliament proposed the vote of thanks. Ambika K P, faculty, Department of English introduced the Chief Guest and compered the programme.