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Expert P. U. College Valachil hosts ‘Ex-Milan -2023’

  • Tuesday, May 30th, 2023

Expert P. U. College Valachil hosts ‘Ex-Milan -2023’

Mangaluru:  The Alumni Re-union programme of Expert Pre University College, Valachil ‘Ex-Milan 2023’ was held in the Cultural Centre of the campus. The proud Expertians pursuing their professional courses all over India thronged to their alma mater to partake in the home coming ceremony which is a ‘Walk down the Memory Lane’ experience for them.

The programme was inaugurated by Prof. Narendra L. Nayak, Chairman Expert Group of Institutions by lighting the Ceremonial Lamp. Addressing the gathering, Prof. Nayak expressed his happiness over ex-students turning up to participate in the event with enthusiasm which is an indication of their respect for the college. He also reminded the alumni to adhere to the good values like discipline and hard work taught in Expert. He urged them to acquire greater achievements besides their professional qualifications and be great citizens of the nation.  

 Mr. Ashuthosh Kalyan Shetty, Mr. Jaikishan Rai and Ms. Navami shared their experiences and feelings with gratefulness towards the institution.

Vogue-2023, an Indo-Western Fashion Show was conducted for the alumni. Mr. Abhishek was crowned as ‘Mr. Vogue-2023’ and Ms. Rasha as ‘Ms. Vogue -2023’. They also enjoyed some fun games and grooved to the catchy Baila Music.

Rank holders and achievers were felicitated on the occasion.

Dr. N.K. Vijayan Karippal, the Principal addressing the gathering appreciated the ex-students for their love and respect for the institution and stressed on the need of strengthening Alumni Association.

Ms. Deepika A. Nayak, Architect, Mr. Balakrishna Shetty, member of Academic Committee and members of the staff were present on the occasion.

 The office bearers of the Alumni Association for the year 2023-2024 were elected on the occasion. The new office bearers are as follows: Mr. Ashuthosh Kalyan Shetty (President), Mr. Adarsh (Vice President), Ms. Navami (Secretary) and Ms. Manya Murthy (Joint Secretary). Mr. Jagathram, Ms Smitha, Ms. Rasha, Mr. Chirag, Mr. Pravarth and Mr. Sharath were selected as Executive Members.

Ms. Navami an alumnus, accorded a cordial welcome to the gathering and hosted the program. Mr. Jaikishan proposed vote of thanks.