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“Expert Day” @ Expert PU College, Kodailbail, Mangalore

  • Monday, December 30th, 2019

“Everyone works hard but only a few work smart and emerge as winners”, said Shri. B. Sadashiva Mallya, Sr. Vice President, Axis Bank on the occasion of the 34th Expert Day which was held on 27th December 2019. He was the Guest of Honour for the evening and sharing his ideas on life, he advised the students to seek inspiration to push themselves forward. He added that only practice, dedication and a process driven approach towards studies can bring them the success they seek.

“Expert Day”, the annual event commemorating the inception of Expert Group of Institutions was held at Kootakala Auditorium, Bhagavathi Temple Premises, Kodialbail with jubilation and fanfare . It was marked by grand celebrations and cultural festivities. On 25th December 2019 various competitions were held for students to showcase their talents in  co-curricular and extra curricular activities. The students earnestly participated in all the competitions.

Lt. Samar G. Hosur, who had earlier inaugurated the programme by hoisting the college flag, said that he felt nostalgic and humbled on returning to his alma matar as a proud member of the Indian Navy. He claimed that the methodology of teaching practiced in Expert P.U. College is at par with the top institutions of the world. He added that the outside world is highly competitive and only the determined will succeed.

The other Guest of Honour , Dr. Selvamani R., IAS, CEO, Zilla Panchayat, Dakshina Kannada, appreciating the quality of education offered at Expert  said that the Expert Group of Institutions has revolutionised pre-university education in Karnataka. He reminded the students that they are at a crucial stage which dictates the entire course of life they will lead in the future. He urged them to be focused and work steadily towards their goals.

Prof. Narendra L. Nayak, Chairman of Expert Group of Institutions, in his presidential address, took a retrospective look at the 33 years of Expert’s journey and attributed the success to the exemplary team of staff and equally gifted students. Expert, according to him, trains students to become successful professionals as well as good human beings.

Dr. Ushaprabha N. Nayak, Vice Chairperson of Expert Group of Institutions, in awe of Lt. Samar G. Hosur’s words, likened him to a son who has returned home after proving himself to the world.  She asked the students to look up to people like him and be a blessing to the nation. She expressed that the future of India lies in the hands of young women and men and expressed that the students need to realise and understand the happenings of today and eliminate the bad and extract the good and implement for  tomorrow. They shouldn’t be falling prey to the many distractions around them. She reminded the students that there are people in the world who are fighting to live and so they shouldn’t consider themselves overburdened with the mere stress of studies.

The Principal, Prof. Ramachandra Bhat presented the annual report of the year and expressed that methodology of teaching in Expert is designed to tap and channelise constructively the knowledge and creativity of students.

Mr. Ankush N. Nayak, Director of Information Technology, Expert Group of Institutions, Ar. Deepika A. Nayak, Ustad Rafique Khan, the Trustee of Expert Group of Institutions, Dr. N. K. Vijayan, Principal Expert PU College, Valachil, Ms. Vrashali K. S., President, Expert Alumini Association and Gaurav Pai, Expert Superstar 2018-19 were present on the dais.

The rank holders of 2018-19 and Proficiency Award winners of 2019-20 were felicitated. Ronel V. Fernandes, President of Student Council welcomed the gathering and Tina Benita Rego, Secretary of Student Council proposed the vote of thanks.

The formal function was followed by 90 minutes of Cultural Extravaganza where students showcased their talents in dance, singing and acting.