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Teacher's Cultural Fiesta For Students On Teacher's Day At EXPERT

  • Tuesday, September 10th, 2019



Mangaluru: Teachers of all the 11 departments of Expert PU College, Valachil have performed variety entertainments for their students exalting them to the height of joy.  “Shrama or hard work is the prerequisite for aconvincing success; there is no short cut to hard work said Dr. D.Shripathi Rao the former Principal of Expert Pre University College, Kodialbail.  He was addressing the students and teachers as the chief guest on the occasion of Teachers’ Day celebration at the Cultural Centre. Dr. D.Shripathi Rao was felicitated by Dr. Ushaprabha N. Nayak, Vice Chairperson, Expert Group of Institutions, Mangaluru. He enlightened the gathering with inspirational discourse.

The formal programme began with the lighting of the ceremonial lamp. The dignitaries and the guest offered floral tributes to Dr. S Radha krishnan, the former President of India. As part of ‘Guruvandana’ the students honoured the teachers with flower buds and gifts.

Dr. Ushaprabha N Nayak is her keynote address said that teaching is a profession of sacrifice and it needs great sacrifices to be a good teacher. She advised the students to be ever grateful to their parents and teachers and all those who had contributed to the learning process.

Ustad Rafeeq Khan, a renowned sitarist and Trustee, Expert Group of Institutions conveyed his greetings to the teachers. He advised the students to set their minds to positivity in the process of learning.

Dr.Vinaya Chandra from the department of biology and Mr. Ramakrishna Rao, HOD of Physics shared their experiences on behalf of teaching community. Dr. N.K.Vijayan Karippal, Principal, Shri Gopal Krishna Delampady, Yoga Guru and Mr.Raghavendra Shenoy Vice Principal were present on the occasion.

Ms.Spoorthy Shetty, Vice President of student parliament extended cordial welcome to dignitaries and Mr.Hitesh J.P., Joint General Secretary of student parliament proposed vote of thanks. Mr.Rohan Dubeer of I PUC compered the programme.

The formal programme was followed by cultural extravaganza by teachers.